Microsoft employees love their iphone
Slashdot runs a story about Microsoft employees preferring to use the iPhone over Microsoft alternatives.
Even though it might be a good idea to always eat your own dog food, the simple fact that your employees prefer the available alternatives is worth taking into consideration. Indeed, the motivation behind eating your own dogfood is to get […]
Coding and Debugging in Bubbles
A new concept for the modern IDE, Code Bubbles allows developers to see and work different fragments of code as one unit. Debugging sessions can be associated with those units save and retrieved later for continued work. Quite impressive! It’s really a departure from the IDEs we’ve been using so …
An example of not applying the repair rule principle
Errors should never pass describes the case of AppArmour which fails to follow the Rule of Repair. In this particular case, AppArmor could not make sense of the user (config) input – and thus cannot repair the data-, so it should fail as noisily and as soon as possible to prevent debugging nightmares.
Grails is another […]
Pyxis entreprise du mois de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Laval
Pyxis a été nommée entreprise du mois. François a reçu le trophée des mains de la présidente lors du midi-conférence de la Chambre hier. Il trône dans notre accueil… merci à la CCI Laval!
What Thoughtworkers think of git…
Martin Fowler published an informal survey of version control tools among Thoughtworkers. Of course, the big winner is git, and anyone who has been going through the effort of learning it correctly would confirm.
BTW, if you want some help convincing people that git is better, do not hesitate to take a look at why git […]
DDD and NoSQL are a nice fit
As I explained in a previous post, Domain-driven Design (DDD) is a design principle I strongly believe in.
With more and more evidence of systems/companies switching to NoSQL for scalability reasons, creating a rich domain model becomes less and less of an option if you don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot. Indeed, while traditional […]
which were the missing part of the metrics puzzle in previous releases.
Welcome additions in Sonar 2.0
On Design principles
There is a constant about Software Developers : they love debating and arguing about every single aspect of the development process. Moreover they will most likely debate forever because there is usually nothing that can serve as a reference to tell good and bad practices apart. Want to know why ? Well.. everyone is making […]
Nouveau podcast VoxAgile sur le concept de la dette d’entreprise
Le dernier podcast Vox Agile vient tout juste de sortir! Avec Éric Mignot et Emmanuel Gaillot, VoxAgile aborde le concept de la dette d’entreprise au niveau des valeurs, de la mission et de l’objectif commun de celles-ci. Entre autres, les sujets suivants sont discutés: Comment déterminer l’actif d’une entreprise au …
Usability reviews in the open source world
It is a pleasure to hear that some open source projects are conducting usability reviews :
Wikipedia : Usability and Experience Study
OpenStreetMap: UX Review
any other ?
Usability reviews are of uttermost importance if you want to learn how your end users use your product. I initially thought that conducting usability reviews was complex, and involved lots of […]